MHA Times

Chairman Fox's Weekly Projects Update

by Editor MHA Times | Mar 12, 2021


The Twin Buttes School District #37 is hereby giving notice that the deadline for filing to have a candidate’s name printed on the ballot for the School Board Election is April 5th, 2021 by 4:00 pm CT.  The following terms expire in June 2021:

  Alyssa Starr (3-yr term) 

A candidate for School Board must submit a completed Affidavit of Candidacy (notary required) and Statement of Interests (SFN 10172) to the district’s Business Manager by the above deadline at which time the placement of names on the ballot will be determined.  Forms are available at the Business Office and on the school website.

Individuals interested in serving on the Election Board should submit their names to the Business Office by 4:00 pm (CT) on April 5, 2021.

Notice of Annual School Election

On Tuesday June 8th, 2021 the Parshall School District’s annual school board election will be held for selecting two (2) board members.  One member will be elected from the portion of the City south of Second Ave. North and one member will be elected from the portion of the City north of Second Ave. North.  Only those qualified voters residing in the city area are eligible to be candidates or to vote.  Candidates filing for a city school board position need the completed forms in the high school business office by 4:00 p.m., Monday, April 5th, 2021 in order to have your name placed on the ballot.

The polls will be open in the high school commons area from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., June 8thth, 2021.

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