Paid family leave study bill fails in Senate
By Alexandra Kautzman, NDNAEF
BISMARCK – The North Dakota Senate has killed a bill that would have ordered a legislative management study on state-administered paid family medical leave programs.
Introduced by Rep. Karla Rose Hanson, D-Fargo, House Bill 1441 failed by three votes. The study would have reviewed the desirability of such a program as well as the financial impact it would have on employees and businesses. The bill originally looked to create an optional program that employers and employees would contribute to. It passed in the House 75-18 after it was amended into a study.
The Fargo lawmaker said she is disappointed the bill failed but she will not give up on paid family leave.
“I am dedicated to this issue,” Hanson said. “We will certainly continue to have conversations about how we can meet the needs of North Dakotans who are struggling to balance the situation of caring for a loved one or needing a paycheck.”