by Editor MHA Times | May 21, 2021
CAMPUS POLICE OFFICER. NDSCS has a FT, 12-month position open in Wahpeton. Will perform licensed law enforcement duties as an armed officer enforcing the US constitution, ND laws, Wahpeton municipal ordinances, and NDSCS rules and regulations. Benefits: Health/Life, Retirement, EAP, Leave, Tuition Waiver/Dependent Discount, etc.. Interested candidates must complete online application. EOE. For more information go to:
MCLEAN COUNTY IS hiring one (1) Property Appraiser (Assessor). For more information regarding this position visit EOE.
PERSONAL COUNSELOR. NDSCS has a FT, 10-month, benefited position open in Wahpeton. Responsible for providing individual and group counseling to students, consultation services to faculty and staff members and education and outreach to the college community. Salary DOE plus full benefit package. Screening begins immediately, applications accepted until filled. Interested candidates must complete the online application. EOE. For more information go to:
HEALTH CAREERS SPECIALIST / NURSING INSTRUCTOR, Lake Region State College – Devils Lake, ND. This is a 9-month position with full benefits, including paid family health insurance. Duties include Coordinate existing health career training and develop health-related workforce training programs and work with students and other faculty in the Clinical/Lab/Simulation setting and assist with student advising. Minimum qualifications are a BS in nursing. Go to for more information.
COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS. Competitive wage and benefits, meal allowance, paid lodging. Traveling position for railroad vegetation control, 60-80 hours/week. RAW (Cooperstown, ND). 888.700.0292 | | [email protected]
LOOKING FOR THE most complete listing of ND Media? ND Media Guide. Only $25! Call 701-223-6397, ND Newspaper Association.
SHELTERBELT SOLUTIONS, CRYSTAL, ND serving all of ND. Shelterbelt/farmstead windbreak removal. No sticks to pick. No dirt in pile. Vince 701-367-1424.
LONG DISTANCE MOVING: White-Glove Service from America’s Top Movers. Fully insured and bonded. Let us take the stress out of your out of state move. FREE QUOTES! Call: 833-983-0965
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices – No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 877-482-4836.
BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 833-946-2482.
SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? CALL Homeowner’s Relief Line! FREE CONSULTATION! 855-399-8165.
TRAIN AT HOME TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Professional online at CTI! Get Trained, Certified & ready to work in months! Call 701-929-9679. (M-F 8am-6pm ET)
ATTENTION ACTIVE DUTY & MILITARY VETERANS! Begin a new career and earn your Degree at CTI! Online Computer & Medical training available for Veterans & Families! To learn more, call 701-929-9679. (M-F 7am-5pm CT).
FOR SALE: AWARD winning weekly newspaper, Foster County Independent at Carrington, ND. Includes print shop, specialty printing and products, complete office supply store. Also space for rental income. Complete staff on hand. Financing available. Qualified persons apply to Allen at 701-652-3181.
ND FARM LAND Values surge upward. Are you selling or renting? Pifer’s Auction and Farm Land Management. Bob Pifer 701-371-8538. Kevin Pifer 701.238.5810. Free valuation.
YOU CAN PLACE a 25-word classified ad—like this one—in every North Dakota newspaper for only $160. It’s easy. Contact this newspaper for details.
DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 701-809-7415.
SAVE UP TO 80% on your medication! Eliquis, Xarelto, Viagra, Cialis and more. Licensed and Certified. Lowest Price Guaranteed. Call 855-399-6168 and get free shipping on your first order (Open M-F).
YOU MAY QUALIFY for disability benefits if you have are under a doctor’s care for a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 888-306-5936.
ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS! Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the Oxygen Concentrator Store: 701-404-5994. (24/7)
ATTENTION: If you or a loved one worked around ROUNDUP WEED KILLER (glyphosate) for at least two years and have been diagnosed with lymphoma, you may be entitled to compensation. To see if you quality, call now: 701-425-0904.
NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now: 866-331-7577.
HAVE A NEWS release or other information that needs to reach all ND newspapers? ND Newspaper Association can help! One call does it all. 701-223-6397.