By Bryan R. Kindle
Friday the 13th kicked off the festivities in Antelope Arbor and ran through to late Sunday evening, but the sights and sounds (and smells) are taking their time dissipating from the air surrounding Four Bears peninsula. From start to finish, with hundreds in attendance, the dust was kicked up and voices were raised in a good way to celebrate MHA culture and history, marking the end of the Pow Wow season in MHA nation

Announcers for the event were Charles Moran Sr., Howie Thomson, and Lawrence Baker.
Committee members in attendance are as follows: Robert Hunter Sr. Flag Bearer, Scott Satermo President, Marc Bluestone Sr. Vice President, Barb Smith Secretary, Gary Snow Treasurer, Amari Rain Bluestone Princess, Anani Manikateri Junior Princess, Tanner Lone Bear-Smith Director, Caley Fox Director, Ricardo Villograna Director, and Bruce Benson Director.
While the first grand entry took place Friday, there were some veteran flags to be raised, starting Thursday 12. Those first two flags were raised in memory of Russel “Buddy” Mason US Air Force, and Robert “Bob” White US Navy & Army.
On Friday 13, flags were raised for Glenn Brunsell Sr. US Army, and Malcolm Wolf US Army.
Saturday saw flags raised to remember Norman Baker US Air Force, David Charging US Armed Air Force/US Army, and Nate Goodiron US Army.
Sunday’s veteran flags were raised for Byron “Cease” Dancing Bull/Jackson US Army, and Charles Parshall US Army.
Fort Berthold Diabetes Program held their annual Little Shell Pow Wow Blood Sugar Screening & Walk that started 10 AM on Friday, with all participants coming away with a T-Shirt and a chance at prizes.
On Friday 13 and Monday 16, rapid testing for the COVID-19 virus was provided to all attendants making them eligible to enter a raffle with some prizes ranging from camping gear, gifts cards, and the Grand Prize of a Satin Star Quilt.
The outside of the main arena was peppered with vendors selling fresh squeezed lemonade, frybread tacos, jewelry & clothing and almost everything else in between. Walking through the crowds and between the vendors it became apparent to everyone just how warm it was going to be, with the sun overhead and temperature’s hovering just below triple digits; to combat the dryness some of the staff hosed down the main paths and kept

the dust down. On top of the heat there was the ever-present fire smoke that filled the air. If one were to look across Lake Sacagawea at the opposite shoreline, it too would be marred by the haze in the air.
Friday’s Grand Entry saw 439 registered dancers and 27 drums! All of the drums that could make it are listed, with some groups making it all the way from Canada: Mandaree, Southern Boys, Battle River, Midnight Express, Western Dakota, Blazing Bear, Montana Cree, Rattling Stone, King Bird, Wise Spirit, Rocky Boy, Young Spirit, Eagle Whistle, Hokisia Moza, Thunder Butte, South Mel, Oak Creek, Southern Style, Da Boys, Fort Peck Sioux, The Cree, Walking Buffalo, Yellow Wolf, Little Shell, The Horses, Red Paint Camp, and Roaming Bear.
There were plenty of purses to win during the Alfred “Sonny” Morsette Jr. Memorial Singing Contest, sponsored by the family. Midnight Express took home 1st Prize, Battle River in 2nd, Southern Style in 3rd, Young Spirit 4th and Rocky Boy 5th. Mike LaFramboise won the Lead Singer Challenge. A big thank you goes out to all the drummers and singers who kept the beat and kept it loud over the weekend.
Dancers from all ages and styles filled the arena and delighted the crowds with their fancy footwork and colorful regalia. From Golden Age Men & Women (60 & over), all the way down to Tiny Tots Paid Daily everyone who came to dance did so with gusto.
For the Leeda Meyers Fancy Dancer Special, first place was won by Johnathan Nomee, with Daniel Scholfield taking 2nd and Wayne Silas in 3rd. Winner of the outfit was number 2897 Ryland Moore.
North Segment Community Appreciation Meal, sponsored by Councilwoman Dr. Monica Mayer, made sure nobody went hungry during the festivities.
The Antelope Society have revealed the new 2022 Little Shell Celebration President Jesse Cuny and Flag Bearer Preston Danks.
Tonia Jo Hall Wood had this to say about the Pow Wow: “I feel like Little Shell, this year, there is every drum group here! I’m feeling the music- there’s even drum groups from Canada that are here, and I’m just feeling really grateful and happy that our community has so much amazing champion dancers here and drum groups. It’s just beautiful that our community is getting this opportunity to have all this love and joy.”