MHA Times

Chairman Fox's Weekly Projects Update

Uniting through prayer for the strength of the nation

By Shelbe Bearstail, Office Manager

On September 11, 2020, Councilwoman Judy Brugh and members of Fort Berthold’s Four Bears Segment held a prayer walk for the entire community. The event is designed to provide a forum where everyone can come together and pray while enjoying each others company. The walk was held on 9-11 as that particular day will forever hold a special place in America’s heart because it marks the anniversary of when the Twin Towers in New York (World Trade Center), the US Pentagon and United Airlines Flight 93 were attacked by foreign terrorists. 9-11 is observed each year by the entire nation as they continue to process memories of great sadness and loss. On that notion, Brugh felt 9-11 was an appropriate day to hold the Walk. Along with the sentiments of the terrorist event of 9/11/2001, it was also an appropriate day due to the instability and virus Pandemic crisis which the year 2020 has brought to the nation and world. Covid-19 has affected the MHA Nation’s community by bringing

sickness, death, as well as a large number of job loss directly resulting from a somewhat, immobile economy.  Drug addiction has also plagued the tight knit community in recent times. The Prayer Walk was a much-needed opportunity to process positive thoughts and healing. The community and Brugh hope to continue these events annually.

Here’s a little background on the walk: Charles Garcia held the first Prayer Walk by solely walking throughout the entire Fort Berthold Indian Reservation back in 2012. Thereafter and during Judy Brugh’s first term as Councilwoman, Garcia walked again in prayer in support of the Four Bears Segment where he walked the entire Four Bears Memorial Bridge and stopped intermittently to say a prayer; crossing back over and doing the same. Stay strong MHA Nation!

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