Chairman Fox’s Weekly Projects Update

Chairman Fox’s Weekly Projects Update
MHA Nation continues to make substantial investments in the health and wellness of our people. Providing vital health care, resources and services to keep our community healthy and whole is one of our top priorities.
Parshall Community Center
The Parshall Community Center will be a gateway of fun and health in our community. Safe and fun spaces are a vital part of our investment in our people, and the plethora of activities at the Parshall Community Center will provide entertainment and joy for visitors of all ages.
The Parshall Community Center will tentatively open in October of 2024.
Parshall Community Center amenities:
State-of-the-art gym
Commercial kitchen
Volleyball & basketball courts
Zip line
Rock climbing wall
Coffee bar
Elders room
Check back each week for a new update on MHA Nation projects. Plus, follow us on social media to see more project stories:
Instagram: @mhanation1825