Chairman Fox’s Weekly Projects Update

MHA Nation continues to make substantial investments in the health and wellness of our people. Providing vital health care, resources and services to keep our community healthy and whole is one of our top priorities.
White Shield Twin Homes
The White Shield Twin Homes will help provide affordable housing to tribal members and their extended families on Fort Berthold. This living option will provide safe and welcoming housing.
The homes are expected to be completed in late summer or fall of 2024.
Highlights of the White Shield Twin Homes:
• Three luxury 5,200 square-foot homes
• Each with 3-bedrooms and two baths
• Each with a two car garage
• Premium appliances
Check back each week for a new update on MHA Nation projects. Plus, follow us on social media to see more project stories:
• Facebook: facebook.com/MHANation1825
• Instagram: @mhanation1825