By Diana Poitra
In conjunction with the Flag Day activities, the American Legion Auxiliary celebrated their 100th Year Anniversary. The Young Hawk/Bear Post 253 American Legion Auxiliary is the oldest Auxiliary on the Fort Berthold Reservation. They were initially chartered in 1934 but due to the Garrison Dam families were uprooted and relocated to new sites. Much credit is given to former Post Commander (1958) William J. Deane who took it among himself to form the Post 253 for
Grand Entry Little Shell Pow-Wow
the second time since the old Joseph Young Hawk Post 253 was compelled to dissolve after being relocated. The Auxiliary Unit Post 253 was re-chartered January 10, 1959 with 13 members who were: Mrs. Dora Bear, Mrs. Leona Deane, Mrs. Helen Gough, Mrs. Cecelia Mason, Mrs. Elizabeth Packineau, Mrs. Katie Starr, Mrs. Marvel Starr, Mrs. Olive Wells, Mrs. Marie Wells, Ms. Yvonne Wells, Mrs. Mary Wheeler, Mrs. Leota White and Mrs. Rhoda White. A lot has changed since, dues back then were 15 cents and today Senior Members pay $26.00 and Junior members pay $7.50. Today our membership is 87 paid members, 86 Senior and 1 Junior Member, out of the 87 members 25 are Lifetime members. Members are from ND, SD, MT, MN KS, NM & OK. A historical note: We have two families who are five generations of our American Legion Auxiliary some are three and four. The Auxiliary remains very active like our predecessors were, we assist with the Annual Memorial & Veterans Day activities, provide a Veterans Christmas Social and assist in Community events. Elections held in April 2021 and officers are: President Madonna Azure, Vice-President Gerilyn Yellow Bird, Treasurer Gen Azure, Secretary Diana HW Poitra, Chaplain Danile Henry, Sargent at Arms Chasmin YB and Historian Delores White Bear. The Joseph Young Hawk/Elmer Bear Post 253 American Legion Auxiliary are very proud and honored to have our own Auxiliary member Ms. Sharon White Bear representing us as ND State Department President, she was previously elected as Vice-Presidents 2020-2021, according to protocol, she will move into the Presidency this year. Sharon will be sworn in June 27, 2021, 1:00 PM at the Ramada Inn, Auxiliary members are encouraged to attend.
Credit information to the late Mrs. Thomas Wells Written Unit Report 1959 and Present Unit President Madonna Azure